Frequently asked Questions
Our goal is to simplify investing so that anyone can be an investor. With this in mind, we hand-pick the investments we offer on our platform.
Globalswiftsecure Faq
Our goal is to simplify investing so that anyone can be an investor. With this in mind,
we hand-pick the investments we offer on our platform.
How To Register And Get Started?
- You can register on the site by yourself and fund your account.
How Which Method Of Payment Is Accepted?
- we accept only crypto currencies.
Is There A Referral System?
- Yes, there is an excellent referral system on supported investment plans.
What is the minimum Investment?
- the minimum investment is 1000 USD
What does Globalswiftsecure correspond to?
- Launched in the year 2018 Globalswiftsecure today is an online investment platform, which offers a number of investment services, expert financial support with overwhelming possibilities for their clients in the whole world. Globalswiftsecure is an independent legal party and fully operational on its own.
What are the probable risks in my investing funds?
- It would be rash to assert that it is not risky at all. Each kind of business is prone to some kind of risk. Globalswiftsecure does the utmost to cut down on the risk. Have no doubt, we've got enough experience in this field.
How long have you been working in this field?
- We have been involved in trading, investment and estate sphere since 2018. The defining point to us at the time was providing help and support to biggest and most successful companies. Nevertheless, finally we have grown into our own company. And now we are working and doing business offline. Nowadays, we are glad to present our online investment opportunities to the whole world.
Do you protect our data and personal information?
- Safety provision of our members is one of our top priorities and we work hard to ensure the best experience investing with our company. There are several professionals in the company that constantly monitor activity on our networks and limit access to your data. The servers are provided with DDoS protection handled by our specialists. No doubt, SSL Security Certificates is a mandatory, all come with strongest SSL Encryption available.
Do you have offline consultations also?
- We provide offline consultation only to our highest investors. We shall be very glad to provide you with the premium quality consultation for free. We do value your time and effort and we will do the utmost to be of help to you as much as we can. Shall you have any questions turn to our support and schedule your consultation.
Could you present your track records or trading results in any form?
- Our public activity is reflected daily on our web-site, Facebook and other Social Media. Each of you can trace the daily progress of our investments. As far as, the investment strategies and important trading records is confidential information it is not for public realm. If you'd like to view our daily progress, please use Member's area interface – reflection is in the tab "Trading Reports"